Tuesday, August 31, 2010



In financial market, the force of buyers and sellers creates a unique formation of
price patterns in the charts. These chart price patterns, if understand correctly
gives meaningful buy signal or sell signal. These chart patterns classified as 
continuous  patterns and reversal patterns. Below we present numerous 
Indian stock market chart patterns.

Continuous chart patterns.
Continuous chart patterns means if you found the particular chart pattern in the 
chart, the price tend to continue the trend. Common continuous chart patterns 
are ascending triangle, flags, pennants, running triangle etc.
Reversal chart patterns
The reversal chart patterns means if your found the reversal chart pattern 
in the chart, the price tend to reverse the trend. Common reversal chart 
patterns are head and shoulders, round bottom, double top, double bottom, 
triple top, triple bottom etc

Ascending triangle
Ascending triangle pattern formed by sellers sell the stock at constant prices, 
buyers buy the stock by higher and higher prices. If  the market sentiment 
turns bullish, buyers buy all quantity offered by the sellers. We may call it 
bullish consolidation. Generally it is considered as continuation pattern.
Below the chart image of TATAPOWER showing the ascending triangle.

Bull Flag
Flags considered as continuation pattern. Normally it is found in bull stage
and bear stage. Sellers sell the stock at lower and lower prices; buyers 
buy the stock at lower and lower prices. At the end of pattern the
positive fundamental or the positive market sentiment drive the 
buyers to buy the price at higher prices.
Below the image of  UNITECH showing the bull flag chart pattern.

Bullish Pennants
Pennants are most reliable continuation pattern. It rarely produces the trend 
reverse result. These are the temporary halting area in the continuous up 
trend or the downtrend of the script. It is much like the flag. Here the 
buyer’s trend line slopes upward towards the seller’s trend line.
The image below is SESAGOA  showing the pennant chart pattern.
Cup with handle
It is a chart pattern found in the stock market resembling the cup with handle. 
The bottom formed by the negative sentiment in the market. Then the 
positive fundamentals of the scripts drive the buyers to buy at 
the bottom. Generally it is considered as the continuation pattern found 
in the bull stage and bear stage.
Below the image of BEL in Indian stock market showing cup with handle pattern.

Symmetrical triangles
Symmetrical triangle is a continuous chart pattern found in bull stage and 
bear stages of the market. It is easily recognizable with clear shape. 
The seller sells the script at lower  and lower prices. The buyers buy 
the script at higher and higher prices. Due to these two forces gives the
symmetrical triangle shape to chart. If the market sentiment turns to 
positive the buyers will get the edge and drive the prices to breakout
the seller’s trend line.
The chart image of BEL is given below with symmetrical triangle chart pattern.

Bear flags
Flags considered as continuation pattern. Normally it is found in bull 
stage and bear stage. Sellers sell the stock at higher and higher 
prices; buyers buy the stock at higher and higher prices. At 
the end of pattern the negative fundamental or the negative market 
sentiment drive the seller to sell the price at lower prices
The image below is HDIL  in Indian stock market showing the bear
flag chart pattern.

Bearish pennants
Pennants are most reliable continuation pattern. It rarely produces
the trend reverse result. These are the temporary halting area in the 
continuous up trend or the downtrend of the stock. It is much like 
the flag. Here the sellers’ trend line slopes downward towards the buyers’ 
trend line.
The image below is HDIL  in Indian stock market showing the bearish 

Descending triangles
Descending triangle pattern formed by buyers buy the stock at 
constant prices, sellers sell the stock by lower and lower prices. 
Or the market sentiment turns bearish. We may call it bearish 
consolidation. Generally it is considered as continuation pattern.
But here below the descending triangle pattern of wockhardt pharma
is reversal pattern
Below the chart image of WOCKHARDT PHARMA in Indian stock market 
showing the descending triangle pattern.

Wedge pattern
Wedge pattern in stock prices formed by two converging trend
lines both formed by the sellers and buyers. The wedge may be 
rising in nature or falling in nature. It is commonly found in the
bull market and bear market. The interpretation of wedge is 
complicated as the resultant price movement may go either 
direction. It is looks like the pennant and resemble like the flags.
Below the chart image of VSNL showing the rising wedge pattern.

The reliability of chart patterns vary widely depends on the
chart patterns. Some chart patterns give more reliability than
the others. We should not totally depend on the chart patterns
alone. If you found the chart pattern correctly then other you
own indicators give the positive signal in confirmation with the
chart pattern you can take buy or sell.

The author MAHENDRAVARMAN.MA, is one among the technical anlaysts, and  the head
of the risk management team in traderangers.com. As a trader and technical 
analyst he has wide experience in Forex market and indian stock market.

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